Spectroscopic Reflectometry

Spectroscopic reflectometers, for fast and accurate, flexible measurement of thin films with small spot size and options to fit your application needs.
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Sprectrscopic Ellipsometry

What are the advantages of spectroscopic ellipsometry?

Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a powerful technique for thin-film and ultra-thin film measurement due to its non-destructive, highly precise, and versatile nature. It measures the change in polarisation of light as it reflects off a thin film, providing detailed information about the film’s thickness, refractive index, and optical properties across a wide spectral range.

SENTECH RM 1000/2000

The Spectroscopic Reflectometery Tools – RM 1000 and RM 2000

The spectroscopic reflectometer RM 1000/2000 features UV to NIR spectral range from 200 nm – […]

Film Thickness Probe – FTPadv

The FTPadv is a cost-effective table top solution for spectroscopic reflectometry which features rapid thickness […]
FTPadv Expert

Comprehensive Thin Film Measurement Software – FTPadv Expert

The spectroscopic reflectometry software FTPadv Expert is especially designed for measuring and analysing R(λ) and […]
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