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Multi-Angle Laser Ellipsometer – SE 400adv PV

The multi-angle laser ellipsometer SE 400adv PV provides film thickness and refractive index of anti-reflective single films on textured monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon wafers at the HeNe laser wavelength of 632.8 nm.
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Key features & benefits

World standard for ARC

Currently over 510 SENTECH SE 400adv PV multi-angle  laser ellipsometers are in use to characterise anti-reflective coatings all over the world.

Analysis of rough surfaces

High sensitivity and ultra-low noise detection allow for measuring on non-ideal, stray light causing surfaces typical for textured mono- and multicrystalline silicon solar cells.

Extraordinary accuracy

Extraordinary high stability and accuracy are main features of SENTECH SE 400adv PV laser ellipsometer due to stable laser light source, temperature stabilised compensator setup, and ultra low noise detector.

Multi-angle Laser Ellipsometer - SE 400adv PV

The multi-angle laser ellipsometer SE 400adv PV provides film thickness and refractive index of antireflective single films on textured monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon wafers at the HeNe laser wavelength of 632.8 nm. Exchangeable wafer holders allow for measurements on multicrystalline wafers and alkaline textured monocrystalline wafers.

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Measurement on crystalline silicon solar cell with alkaline textured surface

Precision Coating Evaluation

The SENTECH SE 400adv PV multi-angle laser ellipsometer can especially analyse coatings of SiNx, ITO, TiO2 and thin passivation layers of SiO2 and Al2O3. Double layer stacks can be analysed on smooth substrates.

The tool is a compact instrument, quickly up and running. SENTECH easy-to-use, recipe oriented software includes a comprehensive package of predefined applications that fit the requirements of R&D as well as of quality control in production environments.

Portable PECVD Diagnostics

portable laser ellipsometer for photovoltaic applications is available for setting up and testing large PECVD systems long before the whole production line is running.

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Laser ellipsometer SE 400adv PV
with portability option

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