10th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE)

8 - 13 June 2025

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SENTECH is a proud sponsor of ICSE 10

Boulder, Colorado, America, 8 to 13 June 2025

ICSE offers the chance to share knowledge and learn about the latest advances and applications of spectroscopic ellipsometry and related techniques. Delegates have the opportunity to attend a wide variety of tutorials, invited talks, presentations, and posters covering all aspects of the field and includes opportunities for networking and discussion. The equipment display will cover the latest not only in ellipsometry but also in other methods of learning about surfaces, interfaces, thin films, nanostructures, and bulk materials under both static and dynamic conditions through the use of polarised light.

The SENTECH team will be at ICSE, ready to meet and discuss any questions about the latest advances in our metrology product range and to offer expert advice on any characterisation and measurement challenges.

Click here to learn more about the event or to register